Launching an initiative to encourage children to read in the neighborhoods of Raqqa city

تم النشر في 03/07/2024

The organization “Balloon” has launched an initiative titled “Let’s Read” in neighborhoods across Raqqa city.

Osama al-Dhakira, the initiative’s coordinator, stated in a special interview with Bayan FM today, Sunday, that the campaign aims to encourage children to read in an enjoyable manner.

Al-Dhakira highlighted that the organization conducted a training course for 20 volunteers in Raqqa on reading techniques and how to encourage children to read.

He further explained that each volunteer will receive kits containing 15 stories, and each volunteer will read these stories to 15 children.

Al-Dhakira emphasized that the volunteers will select a number of outstanding children, and the organization will hold a competition for them to choose a Reading Ambassador.

The initiative covers 7 neighborhoods in Raqqa city, with the organization aiming to expand to all neighborhoods in the city and reach a larger number of children.

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